Friday, September 30, 2011

Cliche assignment

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked, George was thinking to himself that she was as hot as Georgia asphalt.  But she came in as beautiful as the day is long, and George was all over the map. She walked from the door frame slowly over to where George stood, and said "hi George" George replied nervously "..uhhh... hi". They stood there staring blankly at each other for awhile, until Lennie came in the stable with as many chins as a chineese phone book. Lennie was as confused as a cow knee deep in spring thaw. Lennie was thinking why could George be around Curley's wife but he wasn't aloud to be. Georges face immediately switched from a nervous wreck to scared like a shaken baby, when Lennies face turned from confusion, to anger. Lennie ran at George and threw him around like a rag doll. Curley's wife high pitched scream was  louder than thunder. As Lennie beat George to a pulp it started raining cats and dogs outside. The rest of the workers ran to the stable like a heard of elephants as they heard Curley's wife's shriek. Slim entered the stable to see George's crippled body laying on the floor. He just caught a glimpse of Lennie running out of the stable with hands as big as buschel baskets .  All the workers chased after Lennie, pitchforks and guns in hand. They chased him across the ranch to the entrance where they shot him in the head and his blood spewed like a faucet. Slim than muttered " when the going gets tough, the tough go fishing ".