Sunday, February 19, 2012

Moral dilemma

Landon Wigley
732 Maple St,
Okanagan Falls, BC
V0H 1R0

February 19th, 2012

John Smith
City Hall 586 Main Street
Small Village, BC

Dear Mr. Smith:
     I would like to thank you for taking the time to address me in this moral issue you seem to be having in your village, and would be happy to help you out of this predicament. First off I would like to note that although Mr. Grass has tried to cover up these acts of injustice to the human race with acts of kindness and selflessness, these horrible deeds can not be erased. Mr. Grass should indeed be exposed and forced to the face the full wrath of the justice system for these horrible crimes. He should be exposed because what he did was criminally illegal and downright wrong. If he is not put to trial for this it is not enforcing the law, and sets an example of appeasement to crimes.

     Another reason that Mr. Grass should be exposed and imprisoned is that although he does help impoverished families pay their bills, is the amount these families will lose equal to the amount of families ruined by the deaths of family members that this man caused? Mr. Grass has surely torn apart more families and caused more mental suffering to those than could be bestowed upon these families he supports.

     An argument that could me made is that there is no reason to imprison this man seeing as he is 96 year old and is close to his passing. This is exactly why he needs to be exposed, and needs to be exposed now. If you do this now he can be tried and imprisoned as earlier as the end of the year and can serve a small amount of the time that he should be forced to serve. This will show him the way the prisoners of the camp felt: isolated, scared, imprisoned, and forced to live under a set of rules. The only part of the human race that should be forced to live like this is people like Gunter Grass, criminals, not innocent Germans.

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