Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Info text

The article “Public display of disaffection,” in the Maclean’s magazine explores the idea of technology taking over civilization, resulting in the population to commit acts of “cell-fishness.” The writer expresses that “social media is increasing their role in shaping global events,” as clearly showed in the part of the article where it discuss’ a man receiving an honorary doctorate at a ceremony “took his seat,” and than “began typing into his iPhone.” The article also states that this technology is becoming an addiction to our society, conducting surveys where over 25% of people thought it wasn’t disrespectful to “conduct a real-time conversation while texting someone else.”

          I agree with the writer, to a certain degree, today’s society is becoming overly-addicted to technological devices which we know nothing about. Although most of the points are valid there are certain times were cell-phones are needed. It helps parents make sure that their children are safe, and likewise for siblings.

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