Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa letter

Chris Pond
2394726498274 Lax Bro Ave.
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 5W1

December 15, 2011

Mr. Santy Claus
The North Pole...Ave?

Dear Santy:
I've been a really good boy this year, apart from dusting some kids on the ice. But let's get real they asked for it. If we're basing the good list upon looks...have you seen this flow? I've done some many generous things this year such as being the designated driver EVERY night. I have no speeding tickets, nor have i gotten in any sort of trouble with the ladies.

Now, what do I want for christmas? I was thinking about maybe some jeans, I seem to have misplaced ALL of mine. Or maybe a real moustache instead of having to use the one on my lacrosse stick to impress the ladies. I feel like these two things would greatly add to my rapidly growing success of being awesome.

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